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You are an important force for the night!

Easy things you can do right away

  1. Enjoy Methow Dark Skies
    80% of the country can no longer see the wonder of the Milky Way so get out there and savor what we have here in the Methow. Share your ideas and experiences on our Facebook and Instagram page.  

  2. Join our Mailing List
    Sign up for out mailing list. We'll let you know our event schedule so you can meet other members, help protect the night sky over the Methow Valley, and have some fun doing it.

  3. Spread the word online
    Engage your online community about the issues and explain why your support Methow Dark Skies.  Share our website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

  4. Send us your Methow dark sky photos
    We'd love to add your photos to our Gallery.  Use our Contact page to get the conversation started and we'll arrange to get the photo and credits added to the Gallery.  Or you can post them on our Facebook page.

  5. Donate
    Every dollar donated goes to addressing existing lighting problems and producing educational materials. 

  6. Begin a home lighting check
    See below.

In Your Neighborhood

  1. Assess the lighting around your home (and/or business)
    See our Preserve Methow Dark Skies Brochure for an easy checklist.
    Visit Dark Sky International's (DSI) Lighting Assessment page.

    Look for the DSI's Fixture Seal Of Approval on outdoor lighting you purchase. DSI maintains a searchable database of lighting products certified to minimize glare, light trespass, and skyglow. These products are recommended when replacing outdated or inappropriate lighting fixtures.  

    Home Depot, LowesEagle Mountain, and Volt are DarkSky approved retailers.

  2. Talk to family, friends, and neighbors
    You can be a powerful dark sky advocate for your neighborhood. Solving the light pollution problem involves raising awareness of the issue so people are empowered to make better decisions as consumers, voters and community members.  We have already had great success with neighbors taking action.

    Learn about the impacts of light pollution so you can share the information with friends and neighbors.

    We also provide information on Light Trespass and Talking to your Neighbors.

  3. Become a Dark Sky Advocate
    The DarkSky Advocates Network is a global community united in its efforts to protect the night from light pollution.

  4. Organize a Neighborhood Dark Sky night 
    What does the dark sky look like from your neighborhood with no lights on? Enjoy the dark sky together with a 3-hour “Blissful Blackout”. 

  5. Add dark sky lighting to your HOA Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs)
    IDA has developed dark sky language elements that can be readily incorporated into your community CC&Rs. You can find the document here.  MDSC has an ongoing effort in this area.  Contact us for more information.

Get Involved with the Local Dark Sky Community

  1. Attend a Milky Way Social Hour
    Join us for our "Milky Way Social Hour" events.  These informal social gatherings are a great way to meet and engage with fellow dark sky, astronomy, and astrophotography enthusiasts.  The events will be announced on our Events page, out Facebook and Instagram pages, and to newsletter subscribers.. 

  2. Help organize events
    such as star parties, astro photography, night walks, public presentations, musical events, art, song or poetry contests, star gazing. Kids nights under the stars?

  3. Volunteer with the Methow Dark Sky Coalition

    1. Joint our steering committee and influence future directions.​

    2. Staff tables at events such as farmers market, earth day etc

    3. Write articles for our newsletter

    4. Write letters to the editor in support of dark skies.

    5. Comment on lighting for new developments as opportunities arise.

    6. Develop a dark sky friendly business recognition program

    7. Develop programs or activities in schools

    8. Work on dark sky additions to HOAs

    9. Take light measurements

    10. Inventory existing light issues and investigate solutions

    11. Work with towns on addressing light issues.

    12. Any other creative ideas that match your skills and passions


Methow Dark Sky Coalition

       Methow Dark Sky Coalition, founded in 2019,  operates as a program under

the Methow Valley Citizens Council, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.


©2019 by METHOW DARK SKY COALITION, C/O MVCC PO Box 774 Twisp WA 98856  - Privacy Policy  | Terms

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